Disaster Assistance Information
Find links to Disaster Assistance Information for people affected by the McKinley Fire with resources for debris removal, housing assistance, relief supplies, casework and more here: https://akfireinfo.com/2019/08/29/disaster-assistance-info-for-people-affected-by-the-mckinley-fire/
Several local organizations need your help to continue the fire relief effort. Pick an organization that matches your interest or skillset and get started here:
Please read this update on donations for fire relief efforts:
Ready – Set – Go Explained
When anticipating an evacuation, it is handy to have a checklist to follow (if time allows) just to make sure you don’t leave out anything and give your home a better chance of surviving a fire. The International Association of Fire Chiefs uses the following guidelines for wildland fire evacuation. Learn the language and actions in each step and be prepared when alerts go out.
Find more information here:
- https://www.ready.gov/wildfires
- https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/1527866703522-0c3242fc628e2979e6fd98e35d338cc2/Wildfire_May2018.pdf

BE READY – Talk to Local fire department personnel about preparing your home for wildland fire threat. Work to prepare your property by creating defensible space.
- Clean up or relocate combustible material from around your home
- Keep grass mowed short
- Trim Trees and bushes to allow ample space between your home and landscape vegetation
SET – Be alert. Prepare a “go kit” and include items such as:
- Prescription medication
- Emergency supplies
- Important documents
Create your own action plan:
- Plan and practice multiple exit routes from your home and neighborhood
- Assign a meeting place in case you are separated
- Make sure you are familiar with your local emergency notification and evacuation systems
- Remain alert and keep yourself informed of the situation
- Grab your “go kit” and leave well before the impending threat reaches your community or neighborhood following a planned, accessible route.
- Cooperate with local authorities during evacuation and re-entry processes.
Official Fire Information Links
On The Web
AK Fire Info – This site is updated as often as new information is available from the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (AICC). The aim is to provide one website where the best available information and links related to fire can be accessed. The agencies that support this site are the BLM Alaska Fire Service, Alaska Division of Forestry, US Forest Service, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation.
On Facebook
Alaska DNR – Division of Forestry (DOF) provides regular updates on Facebook.
On YouTube
McKinley Fire Info channel on YouTube
By Phone
The McKinley Fire Update line is (907) 313-9826
Questions By Email
Send questions by email for the Deshka fire to [email protected] and for the Mckinley fire to [email protected].
For Highway Conditions
Visit 511.alaska.gov for highway conditions statewide and to register for text/email highway updates.
Nixle Community Alerts
Nixle is a Community Information Service that sends geographically relevant information over your cell phone by text message, by email, and over the web. Your account can be customized so you receive the information that matters most to you. Only authenticated agencies and community organizations can securely publish information. There are four types of messages; Alerts (many would refer to this as an emergency type alert), Advisories (less urgent need-to-know information), Community Information (day-to-day neighborhood to community-level information), Traffic (very localized traffic information). Sign up here: https://local.nixle.com/register/
Please note: Do not rely solely on Nixle alerts to decide when it is time to evacuate. Always be aware of conditions around you during wildfires and use common sense.
Be Prepared – Be Firewise
Residents play a key role in reducing wildfire damage. Learn about choices you can make around your property that can make a difference. The best gift a homeowner can give a firefighter is defensible space.

Coping Emotionally and Helping Kids with Wildfire Stress
After a disaster, such as a wildfire, you may feel sad, mad, guilty, or numb. You may have trouble sleeping, be constantly “on the lookout” for danger, or be jumpy, irritable, or angry. These are all normal reactions to stress. This is a difficult time, but there are things you can do to help cope with the stress and stay healthy even during the cleanup time that follows.
Find information to help yourself and children recover emotionally from wildfires here:

Mat-Su Borough Tax Reassessment After a Fire
MSB Code 3.15.075 allows for the reassessment of property damaged by fire and an adjustment of taxes for an owner of taxable property within the borough. If your property sustained damage due to fire and that loss exceeds $1,000 you may apply for the reassessment of your property. Find information and application to download here: https://www.matsugov.us/reassesment
Decrease Health Risks From Wildfire Smoke

Wildfire smoke is a mixture of gases and fine particles from burning trees and other plant materials. This smoke can hurt your eyes, irritate your respiratory system, and worsen chronic heart and lung diseases. Take action to protect yourself and your family from wildfire smoke with these resources: