Your local forum for discussion, participation and comment in matters of concern to the community. WACO promotes the social, cultural and economic welfare of the Willow area.

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This website is a service for the community of Willow, Alaska. Find WACO meeting minutes and agendas as well as information about committees, the community center and, local groups. Committee and group news or announcements are also posted as received. View the calendar for the schedule of local activities/events.

WACO Community Meeting

The first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM

Willow Community Center

Latest News and Upcoming Events

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Carnival Raffle Winners ... See MoreSee Less

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Thank You to the Donors. I attended Carnival Events for the first time. It was so Fun! Got to meet neighbors and see the spirit of the Willow Community!🤗🤗🤗

Thank you to everyone that supported WACO through the annual raffle!

Carnival Raffle Winners

Fire & Ice is a family dance event held this coming weekend, Feb 7th, 6-9pm at the Willow Community Center (mile 69.5 Parks Hwy). ... See MoreSee Less

6 CommentsComment on Facebook

I miss the talent or not show

Yelverton J. Payton we should take the kids to dance!

Yup got it, leaving Newmans now to let the dogs out then we’ll come back in

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Fire & Ice is a family dance event held this coming weekend, Feb 7th, 6-9pm at the Willow Community Center (mile 69.5 Parks Hwy).

The Community Center is all decorated for the CARNIVAL KICK-OFF DINNER *** Tonight at 6pm***. Ribs, coleslaw, beans, cornbread and cake for $25 for 17 yrs and up, $17 for 8-15 yrs, and free for 7 and under. - Tickets available at the door!
Art silent auction starting at 5pm
Come join us!
... See MoreSee Less

The Community Center is all decorated  for the CARNIVAL KICK-OFF DINNER *** Tonight at 6pm***.  Ribs, coleslaw, beans, cornbread and cake  for $25 for 17 yrs and up, $17 for 8-15 yrs, and free for 7 and under.  - Tickets available at the door!  
Art silent auction starting at 5pm 
Come join us!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment
Its confirmed, the Willow Lake has frozen up nicely!  Fireworks on the lake!
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